Treatments for Gluten Issues Archive

How Long will it Take to Recover from Gluten?

Posted April 22, 2014 By Sandy

Your recovery from gluten, along with anyone else, can be different for everyone. I am told that a large percentage of folks feel better just a few days after removing gluten from their diets.

In my case, there was no doubt that I had a problem with gluten all my life. I can remember being sick from eating when I was quite young. Food made me sick and I was too little to explain it to my mother.

How Long will it Take to Recover from Gluten?Yet, on the other hand, as sick as I was when I was finally diagnosed (for those who don’t know my story, I was being treated for early stages of Alzheimer disease), only three weeks or so passed before I started feeling better! But it didn’t end there. Now, nearly 5 years later, I can still feel improvement in my health.

I suffer from a mild form of ataxia. According to Jane Anderson, the Celiac and Gluten Sensitivity Expert:

Gluten ataxia, an autoimmune neurological condition involving your body’s reaction to the gluten protein found in wheat, barley and rye, can irreversibly damage the part of your brain called the cerebellum, according to practitioners who first identified the condition about a decade ago.

This damage potentially can cause problems with your gait and with your gross motor skills, resulting in loss of coordination and possibly leading to significant, progressive disability in some cases.

So how long will it take to recover from gluten?  Someone with a recent problem with gluten or with milder symptoms than my own, may recover much quicker and feel better within days.

Jane goes on to share:

You may feel constantly hungry during the first several weeks you’re gluten-free, and you may want to eat all the time. This is completely normal — it’s your body’s way of trying to make up for not being able to absorb food. Your ravenous appetite should calm down eventually….

In addition, to feel better sooner, you may need to address any celiac-caused malnutrition. Lots of celiacs find they have vitamin and mineral deficiencies at diagnosis that can interfere with their well-being. Talk to your doctor about what supplements you should consider, and make sure to use only gluten-free vitamins.

Although you should start to feel a little better quickly, it takes most people who were very sick prior to diagnosis a long time — months, usually — to feel completely “normal” again. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t bounce back immediately; if you continue to see gradual improvement, you’re going in the right direction. However, if you don’t feel as if you’re making enough progress, talk to your doctor about your ongoing symptoms.


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Recovering from Gluten Poisoning

Posted February 22, 2014 By Sandy

Have you ever accidentally poisoned yourself by eating gluten?  Thankfully, I have only done that once.  I was at a church potluck and tried a dish that had gluten in it …. and, of course, I didn’t know it until I started getting stomach cramps, diarrhea and all those other nasty symptoms!

So what can we do to recover from gluten poisoning?  At the time, I took several digestive enzyme pills (that I have on hand all the time) and just waited it out.  But there are some things that are Sick 2helpful.

Jane Anderson, one of my favorite ‘go-to’ resource for gluten issues offers some helpful tips:

Recovering From an Accidental Glutening

1. Get Plenty of Rest:  Gluten exposure leads to a dreary combination of fatigue and insomnia in many people. It’s tough to feel normal when you can’t sleep at night, and want only to sleep during the day.  The solution? Get as much rest as you possibly can, whenever you can grab it.

2. Avoid Difficult Tasks:  Many of us suffer from brain fog when we are exposed to gluten, leading to fuzzy-headedness, absent-mindedness and sometimes outright confusion.  Needless to say, that’s not a good recipe for tasks that involve heavy lifting, quick thinking or deep analysis.

3. Skip Lactose-Containing Foods: If you’ve been heavily exposed, you may temporarily become lactose intolerant. That’s because we digest dairy proteins with the very tips of our intestinal villi, and gluten ingestion can damage those villi.

4. Revert To Whole Foods:  Now is not the time to try a new type of “gluten-free”-labeled product or to challenge your digestion with something radical. Your best bet to a speedy recovery is to revert to eating a whole foods diet made up of foods you know don’t bother you.

5. Don’t Take Chances:  That means skipping restaurant meals, bringing your own food to friends’ houses, and sidelining any temptations you feel to indulge in something you know may be questionable.


Sometimes, it is good to remember that the symptoms are only temporary.  Seems to me, the stomach/intestine issues were over in about 30 hours.  The brain fog took a bit longer, but I recovered from the worst of that as well.

What do you do when you are gluten poisoned?  Did it work well for you?  Please share with us!!

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Treatments for Celiac Disease

Posted January 18, 2014 By Sandy

What would be your perimeters on embracing a treatment for Celiac disease?  Would you be willing to try anything?  Or is there a limit to what you would do as a treatment for Celiac disease.

In case you had not heard, Alvine Pharmaceuticals, who is in the process of developing a possible drug for celiac disease.  (Check out the  information in my post:  Celiac Drug in Trial Test)  Since publishing my original post in May, the list of drugs in testing has increased:

Alvine Pharmaceuticals’ ALV003 — making great progress

ImmusanT’s Nexvax2 — potential vaccine

Alba Therapeutics Corp.’s AT-1001 — suffered lots of setbacks in trials

BioLineRx’s BL-7010 — testing and expecting to release results early 2014

Although, most of these treatments may only help in the case of cross-contamination, any, all or none of these may turCan of Worms 4n out to be the next step in treatment for celiac disease.

But what about non-conventionally treatments?

According to Jane Anderson, Celiac Disease and Gluten Intolerance expert, Hookworms may be another treatment for Celiac Disease:

Can Hookworm Infection Cure Celiac?

In a paper published earlier this week in the International Journal for Parasitology, the group reported on trials in which they purposely infected celiac disease patients with the hookworm Necator americanus. The results were intriguing, to say the least.

The experiment, conducted in Australia, involved volunteers with celiac disease who agreed to be infected with the hookworms and then undergo a gluten challenge to measure their responses. Half of the people were infected with hookworms, and the remainder served as the control group.

The researchers found that hookworm infection did alter the volunteers’ responses to gluten: part of the inflammatory response in the small intestine was suppressed during the gluten challenge, but other measures of an inflammatory response appeared to rise following the challenge.

Having a treatment for celiac disease would be wonderful, but a hookworm?  Would you consider such a treatment?

Here is the response to date to Jane’s question:  Would you consider playing host to a hookworm to treat your celiac disease?

23% — In a heartbeat – bring on my worms!

42% — Maybe – I’d have to look at the research

34% — Ewwww, no!

What are your thoughts?  Personally, I would rather just not eat gluten, but then I am one of the lucky people who is not super sensitive!

Time will tell if the drug trials come up with something that will work with little to no side effects!


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Vitamins for the Gluten Free Vegan

Posted January 11, 2014 By Sandy

Vegetables are probably one of the most nutritionally rich foods on the planet.  So then, why would vegans need vitamins?

Due to poor soil and environment issues, plants have only about 50% of the nutrients they had 50 or so years ago:

Nutritional Value of Food at Risk: Fruits and Vegetables Now Less Nutritious

The nutritional value of foods is at risk, with the amount of nutrients found in fruits and vegetables having diminished greatly over the years. One apple today may carry half the amount of nutrients as an apple produced 50 years ago. Although it is still very true that everybody should be consuming many fruits and vegetables on a daily basis (preferably organic), the sad truth is that we would need to consume many times more of them in order to get the nutrients we need.


Vitamins 1I, personally, have taken vitamins nearly all my adult life.  I find I have more energy, sleep better, and just feel better when supplementing my diet with vitamins.

If you do not take vitamins, may I suggest you add at least the following:

  • Good multivitamin.  Many are available on the market.  I especially like the liquid form as it moves into the blood stream faster than pills.
  • Sub-lingual B and/or B12.  Most experts agree that vegans can be low in this vitamin, but other sources say everyone needs extra B12.
  • Vitamin D3.  D3 is especially important for those us living in the upper half of the northern hemisphere where we do not get enough sunlight.

Along with the vitamins listed above, I personally, take the following addition supplements:

  • Omega 3 Fish Oil.  I know this is a controversial vitamin for a vegan to be taking, but I feel it is he best option for me.
  • Super B-Complex.  Helps me maintain an even temperament and good energy.
  • Neur02 (K-45).  Since I suffer from mild neurological damage to my brain from eating gluten so long, I take this to help with my memory and cognitive issues.

At night, I take the following which help me sleep better:

  • Magnesium
  • DHEA
  • Calcium Magnesium Zinc compound to help with restless legs and cramping.

This is my PERSONAL regime — mostly of which were prescribed/suggested by my vegan naturopathic  doctor.  I continue to take them because I know they help.

What supplements do you take daily?





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Celiac Drug in Trial Tests

Posted May 29, 2013 By Sandy

If you have been listening to the news around the celiac issue, you may already know scientists are developing a celiac drug that is currently in Phase 2 testing!

Alvine Pharmaceuticals, who is in the process of developing a possible drug for celiac disease, said yesterday that it has teamed with global biopharmaceutical company AbbVie to continue work on that drug, known as ALV003.

Pills & Test TubeAccording to Jane Anderson, Celiac Disease and Gluten Sensitivity expert, the drug in in Phase two trials:

Dr. Green: Celiac Drug Treatment Shows ‘Tremendous’ Potential

ALV003 is an enzyme-based drug designed to degrade gluten molecules “in vitro” — i.e., in your stomach — into smaller pieces that will not cause symptoms.

The drug isn’t designed to allow people with celiac disease to eat all the gluten they want; instead, it potentially would allow celiacs to avoid ongoing damage and symptoms from the tiny amounts of gluten we already consume on a daily basis. As such, it’s considered an adjunct to the gluten-free diet, not a replacement of the diet…..

According to Dr. Adelman, a total of 41 patients enrolled in the ALV003 trial, which was held in Finland. About half the group received ALV003 and half received a placebo. Everyone, meanwhile, ate gluten during the six-week trial — a total of two grams a day, or about half a slice of bread.

Virtually everyone in the trial entered with signs of ongoing inflammation due to accidental gluten consumption. At the end of the trial, however, the patients taking ALV003 while eating gluten weren’t any worse, while the patients taking the placebo while eating gluten had significantly worse inflammation.

Although the trial wasn’t designed to consider improvement in symptoms, those taking ALV003 seemed to have less indigestion and abdominal pain than those taking the placebo. However, patients taking the experimental drug didn’t report any significant changes in diarrhea, constipation or reflux.

Read More here:

Dr. Green: Celiac Drug Treatment Shows ‘Tremendous’ Potential

Alvine Pharma Teams with AbbVie on Potential Celiac Drug

Having a drug to deal with the problems of gluten sensitivity and celiac seems like a godsend to many folks.  Jane Anderson conducted a (on-going) survey on her readers response to the question:  Would you take a drug that would enable you to be less careful on your gluten-free diet?

Here are the responses to date:

8% — Never – I think the diet is far healthier and my symptoms are controlled just fine.

21% — I’d take it very rarely to protect myself in specific social situations. (which is what I voted).

33% — I might take it on a regular basis, but I’d want more information on the drug first.

36% — I’d use it in a heartbeat – I’m tired of being so careful all the time.

Vote in the survey

So how about you?  Would you take a drug to protect you from gluten poisoning?

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