Gluten Free Diet Archive

Is Gluten Free Diet a Fad?

Posted May 26, 2014 By Sandy

If you have been monitoring the Gluten Free news, you probably heard about the study conducted by Jessica Biesiekierski, Department of Gastroenterology, Eastern Health Clinical School, Monash University, Victoria, Australia.  This study questions the validity of gluten free diets.

According to Real Clear Science

Instead of receiving a proper diagnosis, however, many people are self-diagnosing as gluten-sensitive and eating gluten-free by choice. Noticing this trend, Jessica Biesiekierski, a gastroenterologist at Monash University and a leading researcher into the effects of gluten, sought adults who believed they had NCGS to participate in a survey and a clinical trial. She recruited participants in metropolitan Melbourne, Australia by distributing fliers through websites and local clinic rooms and taking out advertisements in a local newspaper. 248 people responded, 147 completed an in-depth survey designed to assess the nature of their sensitivity, and forty were recruited into the clinical trial. …..

For the clinical trial, in which 37 subjects self-diagnosed with NCGS participated, Biesiekierski tested an alternative explanation for gluten sensitivity. Most gluten-containing products also have fermentable, poorly absorbed, short-chain carbohydrates, collectively known as FODMAPs, which are known to cause gastrointestinal problems. Biesiekierski wanted to know if FODMAPs were actually the villains behind subjects’ gastrointestinal problems. The trial — which was double-blinded and placebo-controlled — found that in patients whose diets were low in FODMAPS, gluten did not produce a specific negative effect.*

As you can see from the quotes above, this study seriously endorsed the believe that gluten free diets were a farce, a fad or just not helping those avoiding gluten.

This view was further endorsed by Forbes Magazine, who published a serious of articles:

Gluten Free Diets, Miracle or Hype

Are You Really Gluten Intolerant, Maybe Not

Gluten Intolerance May Not Exist

Many in the gluten free community responded swiftly by reputing the study and articles.  One such person is Alessio Fasano

Alessio Fasano, MD, chief of MassGeneral Hospital for Children’s Division of Pediatric Dr_ Alessio Fasano (Center for Celiac Research)Gastroenterology and Nutrition and director of the hospital’s Center for Celiac Research and Treatment, is one of the world’s foremost experts on celiac disease and gluten-related disorders. His landmark 2003 study established that celiac disease is much more common in the United States than had been previously thought. Studying gluten sensitivity, Dr. Fasano’s research team uncovered molecular and physiological differences between celiac disease and gluten sensitivity, which is thought to affect even more people than celiac disease.

Jules Shepard, gluten free advocate , weekly radio show host, and one of the community’s most active bloggers interviews Dr. Fasano and his take on this new study.

Popular Health Internet Radio with Jules Gluten Free on BlogTalkRadio



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Once you stop eating gluten and dairy, are you sure you are Meeting your Nutritional Needs with a Gluten Free and Dairy Free Diet?  Both dairy and gluten based grains are two very large groups of food to eliminate from your diet.  What nutrients are you losing and are their other foods that include these important nutrients?

My featured post today, which answers the questions above, is from the Gluten Free Cooking School.  Here are some of her tips:

Eating SoupHow to Get Your Nutritional Needs Met on a Gluten-Free, Casein-Free (GFCF) Diet

Important Nutrients Most People Get from Gluten Foods:

  1. Fiber: Dietary fiber is a carbohydrate that mostly passes through our digestive system intact. It helps maintain intestinal health, keeps us from becoming constipated, slows down sugar absorption in our bodies after eating, and helps maintain a healthy cholesterol level
  2. B-vitamins: B vitamins are a group of water-soluble vitamins sometimes called the “B complex”. People commonly associate them with energy production, though they also serve other purposes.
  3. Iron: Iron is an important mineral that helps form the structure of proteins, plays a critical role in the function immune system and the production of energy, and plays a role in the growth and differentiation of cells.

Important Nutrients Most People Get from Dairy Foods:

  1. Calcium: This mineral is best known as a major building block of strong bones, but it plays other roles as well. Calcium helps the body’s muscles move and helps nerves conduct messages from the brain to other areas of the body.
  2. Protein: Proteins are made up of chains of amino acids, and various proteins are required in order to repair and maintain the body. Dietary protein is required by our bodies for the replication of DNA, stimuli response, and the transport of molecules from one location to another.

How to Meet Your Nutritional Requirements Without Dairy & Gluten …..

Makes sure to READ THE FULL ARTICLE to see what is suggested to fill the needs for the nutrients missing.

Personally, anyone who is careful to have a full range of grains, seeds, fruit and vegetables, will meet most, if not all, of these needs.  Often though, I find people who continue to eat unhealthy gluten free vegan diets — adding LOTS of processed food — which, you probably know contains very little nutrient value.

Without dairy, people are often concerned that they are not getting enough calcium.  It may surprise you to know that may vegetables, ounce for ounce, have more calcium than most dairy products.   In fact, most vegetables, especially leafy type, contain lots of the nutrients we need for optimum health.

But don’t take my word for it …. read the article!!



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Gluten Intolerance, Celiac and Genetic Testing

Posted November 13, 2012 By Sandy

I can always count on Living Without magazine to keep me updated on some of the new developments and information on Gluten Intolerance and Celiac Disease.  Information in the medical field is often changing faster than we can keep up — especially with Gluten issues.

The article posted today by Living Without is Searching for Answers – Celiac and Gluten SensitivitiesCeliac or gluten sensitive? What you should know about genetic testing. Author, Christine Boyd, begins the article with a story about a 10-year old girl named Abby who obviously is dealing with gluten issues.  After eliminating gluten from her diet, she developed what the doctors called a ‘diagnostic dilemma’ because some of her symptoms still persisted and the endoscopy procedure (biopsy they use to check her intestines for damage from gluten) came up negative!  The family opted for one more procedure which checked for genetic predisposition to the disease or intolerance.

Abby’s genetic testing came out positive, so they resumed the gluten free diet.  But what I found interesting is … ”

Although the positive read didn’t mean the diet was necessary for her, it seemed prudent to give it a second try. In addition, she cut out soy and dairy at the suggestion of her gastroenterologist.

Eliminating dairy made a huge difference. “It may be the reason why Abby didn’t feel 100 percent better the first time she went gluten free,” Williamson speculates. “We still don’t have a formal diagnosis. As best as we can tell, she is sensitive to gluten, dairy and soy.”

READ MORE … Including details about genetic testing for gluten intolerance.

I found the article especially interesting because not only am I allergic to wheat and gluten, but my tests also showed an intolerance to dairy, eggs and possible soy.

Thankfully, the testing I had done in 2009 was less expensive than the testing that Abby took.  My naturopathic ordered a couple blood tests (one checking for allergies) and a saliva test.  He received the genetic test results first and warned me that I might be gluten intolerant.  When my allergy tests came back, there was no doubt that I needed to eliminate several foods from my diet.

What I find interesting is that most of my friends who are gluten intolerant also have a problem with one or more of the following:  dairy, eggs, and soy!  Personally, I believe there is a link with these foods and gluten.

Also, as part of my diagnoses, the long years of eating gluten had caused my thyroid to malfunction (I take Amour Thyroid) and raised my cholesterol to a rather high level.  Those levels have improved over the last couple years, but I think they are another indicator of gluten issues.

For my readers that have gone through lots of testing, what have you found?  Are you also intolerant of dairy, eggs or soy products?  Or how about thyroid or cholesterol issues.  Do you deal with any of those?  It would be interesting to know!

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Gluten Free Diet

Posted February 5, 2012 By Sandy

Good information from Canada for folks wanting to understand more about celiac disease and living gluten free.

Mississauga – February 2, 2012 – The glutenfree diet is not only for people with Celiac disease, but also for people looking to lose weight. As many as 300000 Canadians could have Celiac’s disease, however, many remain undiagnosed, said Health Canada.


If you are interested in more information about celiac disease/gluten intolerance and how to deal with it, check out The Gluten Free Bible


Click here to visit the original source of this post

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Struggling with Your Gluten Free Diet

Posted February 4, 2012 By Sandy

Struggling and cheating on your gluten free diet can be a real temptation some days.  I know when I go out to eat or to church buffets, I see all those wonderful chocolate desserts, I have to look away.  But what can you  do.  A reader wrote in to Carla Spacher, founder of the Gluten Free Recipe Box, and her is her 8-point answer:

Q. I find myself cheating on the gluten free diet. I have celiac disease and I’ve been on the diet for years. Do you have any advice on how to keep strong?

  1. Willpower
  2. Snacks
  3. Alcohol
  4. Medication
  5. Financial
  6. Children
  7. Depression
  8. Education

Although it is an interesting article, I felt she spent more time telling us WHY people cheat on their diet rather than going into ways to keep from cheating.

Number one reason why I don’t cheat on my diet is because I hate being up half the night with stomach and/or intestinal problems, half the next day in and out of the bathroom, and days of foggy brain and thinking!  How is that for a good reason not to cheat!!


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