Foods Containing Gluten

Gluten seems to be hiding everywhere — if you are trying to avoid it!  The biggest surprise I received after finding out I was gluten intolerant (surprise #1) was that SO MANY processed foods contain gluten (surprise #2).  I felt like I needed to be a chemist to figure out what Foods Contained Gluten.

If you are new to this phenomenon, let me help you out with the basics.  Gluten is in the following grains:

  • Barley
  • Rye
  • Wheat
  • Hybrids of wheat and other grains, including orzo, panko, bulgur, durham, farina, graham flour, kamut, semolina, matzo meal, spelt and triticale (according to National Foundation for Celiac Awareness)

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Rather than reinvent the wheel, I have included below a list of articles that are very informative on the subject.  I even found some that applied to dairy as well as gluten.

My best suggestion is if you are unsure if it has gluten or not, DON’T EAT IT! (And of course, that goes for dairy or anything else you may be allergic to or would rather not eat for any reason.)


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