Okay, now that the holiday’s are over and it is back to business, I would like to share the best gluten free vegan posts of 2014. These are the posts, recipes, and articles that were read the most in 2014.
Here they are …..
In keeping with our Holiday Cookie theme, I have found a wonderful no-bake Coconut Snowball cookie recipe. If you like coconut, you will love this recipe. …
There has been some mixed opinions on whether or not a Gluten Free person needs Gluten Free Personal Care Products. My naturopathic suggested that whatever you cannot eat, you should not put on your body either. So for safety sake, I use Gluten Free shampoos and hand creams….
I find it very annoying when people say, or worse yet, post on the web, that switching to Gluten Free is the healthiest thing they can do — regardless of what they eat. There are plenty of bad gluten free foods out there that are far from healthy. Of course, for us gluten intolerant or celiac folks , we don’t have a choice to whether or not we eat gluten. But how about the QUALITY of the Gluten Free foods you are eating. Did you know that LOTS of Gluten Free foods contain GMO…
If you are like me, there are some things, like No-Bake Cheesecake Bars, that I really miss since going Gluten Free and Vegan. So I notice when I find a Cheesecake recipe will fit into my special diet. After all, why should be go without all the good tasting stuff just because we chose to eat healthier?…
Zucchini season is just around the corner — and what to do with all those Zucchinis?Dietitian On the Run has shared the following Gluten Free Vegan Zucchini Fritters recipe….
I LOVE Coconut Milk! I use various forms of Coconuts and Coconut Milk is several different dishes. My favorite way is to pour it over Gluten Free cereal and bananas! No, wait! …. I think I like Coconut Milk better in smoothies …. maybe in the ice cream dish my husband makes ….I guess I like Coconut Milk anyway I can have it!!If you are a Coconut Milk lover too, you are going to love our featured post…
Is your favorite post, article or recipe here?
January 12, 2015 @ 12:20 pm
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