Do We Need Gluten Free Personal Care Products?
There has been some mixed opinions on whether or not a Gluten Free person needs Gluten Free Personal Care Products. My naturopathic suggested that whatever you cannot eat, you should not put on your body either. So for safety sake, I use Gluten Free shampoos and hand creams.
Our featured post from Andrew Cordova on ‘We Are Gluten Free‘ discusses this very issue. He listed some interesting points such as:
Did you know that up to 60% of anything that you put on your skin is eventually absorbed into your body?
It is impossible to ignore that what goes on your body also goes in your body.
Do You Need A Gluten Free Shampoo And Conditioner?
More and more doctors are recommending for Celiac and gluten sensitive patients to follow a 100% gluten free lifestyle, not just a gluten free diet.
Ever since I switched to a gluten free shampoo my scalp feels healthier. I no longer suffer from embarrassing dry scalp and dandruff “snow” that plagued me for years.
Furthermore, I have read hundreds of stories from people with Celiac disease or a gluten sensitivity that shows gluten based products that go on the skin such as cosmetics, lotions, soaps, shampoo and conditioner can cause symptoms associated with Celiac disease and gluten sensitivity.
The truth is many doctors do not only recommend treating Celiac disease and gluten sensitivity with a diet but choose to treat the whole body to relieve all symptoms.
Andrew continues, quoting Dr. Kenneth Fine, M.D. of about the issue, and includes a video on testing his shampoo and conditioner.
I love this article because he helps us out by listing several different Gluten Free brands of shampoos and conditioners, and also lists ingredients to watch for as being hidden gluten.
Click here to read the entire article.
Thanks Andrew for scooping this out for us!
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