Gluten Free White Oat Bread

Making GOOD gluten free vegan bread is a difficult task.  Without the gluten, bread does not act the same.  I have been told that gluten is very forgiving …. meaning gluten free bread is not!!

This Gluten Free White Oat bread looks DELICIOUS!  Check out the recipe for the unique method of rising and baking! PS.  Make sure to use Gluten Free Oats!

You can use this dough to make the GF Dinner rolls or GF Naan as well. I have tried switching up a part of the oats with sorghum and it works just fine. That also tells you that you dont need to stick to the proportions. The dough before the second rise just should not be a flowy cake batter or a stiff bread dough. Anything in between and it should bake up great.

Gluten Free White Oat Bread

White Oat Bread Loaf. Gluten-free Vegan Gum-free

Ingredients: Makes one mini loaf (5.75 by 2.75 inch)

6 Tbsp oats, ground (1/4 cup +2Tbsp)

1/4 cup brown rice flour
1/4 cup potato starch
1 Tbsp tapioca starch
1/4 cup warm water
1 teaspoon active yeast
2 tsp raw sugar
1 tsp agave syrup
1.5 Tbsp non dairy yogurt (So Delicious plain coconut milk yogurt) or make your own cultured Nut Milk -Cashew Yogurt
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons oil
After first rise:
1-1.5 Tablespoon potato starch (or half potato starch and half ground oats)


Planning is root around in my pantry for all the ingredients to make this …. May need to go shopping today as I want to try this recipe as soon as I can!

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